Another tactic that you could use is to leave many post drafts ready to go. Once you are sure that one of your ideas could indeed be a good post, go to your blogging software and write the draft for that post. Include the headline as well as the main points. Then whenever you feel like writing on that topic, open the draft and finish it.
If despite using the methods above you are still lacking ideas for new posts, here are some tricks that you can use. The first one is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Simply go there and input some keywords related to your niche. If you have a video game blog, for instance, run the tool for keywords like “video games”, “playstation”, “xbox” and the like. After that you will just need to check the long tail of results to identify topics that you could write about. You can also use social bookmarking sites to find what is hot around the web and get ideas for new posts. Here is list with some popular ones that you can use:
- Digg.com
- StumbleUpon.com
- Reddit.com
- Delicious.com
Finally, take a look on external places and try to identify ideas that could be adapted inside your own niche. This include mainstream websites, blogs on other niches, newspapers, print magazines, television programs and the like.
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